Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Journal#11,Incas and Aztecs Pyramids.

The most spectacular place I ever seen was when I went to Peru. Peru is a great place. I went to this place because I always wanted to see the Aztecs and Incas Pyramids. Aztecs and Incas were people with a rich mythology and cultural heritage. I was very exited because I have never see something like that. Muchu Pichu is the great place that I visit. Machu Pichu means old mountain. They also call it the lost city of the Incas. Muchu pichu was rediscover in July 24,1911. Muchu pichu is a great city Because its built with rocks. The Incas built it with big rocks while intended to provide a country refuge for the royals, Machu Picchu steathly served as a method to institute Incan presence in the area. Certainly, from this high vantage point, the Inca could observe and regulate travel and commerce which proceeded in and out of the Sacred Valley. That is why this is the most spectacular place I ever seen.

Journal#10,Motor-bike fight continue.

I read in this article that a 50 year old man was arrested for driving a Motor-bike. I didn't know that Arizona had a law that say that if a bicycle has a motor you have to drive it in a regular lane of the street and not in the bicycle line. The 50 year old man drove his motor-bike in a bicycle lane that's why he was arrested. The police officer suspended his driver licences, the old man didn't understand and he went out in the streets with his motor-bike again. the police officer was lying, he said that he was going up to 28 mph, but the computer tells them another thing. I would thing that they have better things to do. Instead of stopping innocent people, how about the red light runners. This man is not having a fair trail, but since they are the law, they can do whatever they want...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Journal#9,Thipon Whipa.

It's horrible the situation that Shungai a city of China is passing. What the scientist thought was going to be a tropical storm, it turned to be a deadly powerful storm called Thipon Whipa. I think is the scientists fault that the deadly storm killed a man. The predictions were not like they said. People of Shungai were confident that they were telling the true, but it was not. Many houses are destroyed, but that is not the badess thing. Many communities have flooted streets and people do not have what to eat. The situation that they are passing is just horrible.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Journal#8,So far so good.

At the beginning of the semester, I thought that this class was going to to be easy, but with the pass of the time it went from easy to hard. Well I like this class. Now in this four weeks that we have, things seems to be challenging for me because I never had college classes before. I'm putting all my effort to complete this semester. So far so good. It is good because I like this class, I like it because we learn about the writing methods. I don't have nothing to say about why I don't like this class, this class is great and so far like I said I like the writing method.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Something I noticed about myself today is, that I'm so tire because of the running of yesterday in a soccer practice. I have notice that my body is not here. I feel like a sleep walker. I have also notice that I have lose weight, that was the very first thing that I notice today, although the tireness was dropping me off. I notice that I had never got this tire before, I think this is because of the hard work. Well I'm hopping to recover faster so I can return to the soccer fields again.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Journal#6,Officer kills a man.

A police officer killed a 21 year old man. Although he could it been use other way to protect himself, this was the easy way. It was on self defence. If I were on the position of the officer I've could it done the same thing. The man had a knife, he was allegedly treatened the officers with it. Well in the World that we live today the technology is very advance, they could it use an electrical gun to drop him down. I'm not in favor of anyone but I think this was the right thing that the officers did.

Journal#5,Did you know...

I have just read the "Did you know....."article. I did not know that the capital of Rio DE Janeiro is cross by 18Th century Arcos da lapa. I also learned that the first mayor Filipino of the united states was Eduardo Mala pit He also was the mayor of Kauai in 1974-1982. This one was the most interesting part of the article because it says that in 1952 Farnborough crash was the last time spectators were killed in an accident at a British Airshow. I always like to read the newspaper because of this section, it is interesting and it tells you things that we didn't even know about it.


I would like to be a famous person because, I'm going to get to travel around the World giving autographs and passing a good time. I would also like it because, I'm going to get money to buy whatever I want, but also to make my dreams come true. Another reason is to help the poor people that need economically help. Those people who are passing bad times because of the natural disasters. That is why I would like to be a famous person.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Journal#3,The good dared.

I remember this time like if it were yesterday, a friend of mine dared me to talk to a girl who was with a guy. I didn't know if it was her boyfriend or not, well my braveness was in play and I was not going to let myself loose. I went to talk to the girl, the young man looked at me with his tremendous eyes. He ask me, "what are you doing with my girl? ". I told him that I know her since elementary school where we were friends and that her parents took her out because they needed to move some place else. Thats why I was saying hello to her. I really didn't know her, but she was acting like she really did know me. I was very nervous but things came out good. This is the time that I always going to remember because now that young girl that I talk to that day, is my girlfriend.